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Magazines + Missions

The most recent course topic was Magazines and Missions. Here I learned how both are intertwined and with a vision, should multiply and make disciples. A question I started to ask myself was, “In everything we create, what are we multiplying? How are we influencing?”

Magazine production is one of the tools we use to glorify God, so having a secure identity and foundation in Him is vital especially in a competitive industry that provides a platform for others. Our vision for magazines is really God’s vision– One where we use magazines to build community, declare truth over people and change the culture of competition to one that cultivates hope and identity.

I love how Courtney and Carrissa explained how we have the best of both worlds since, within a magazine, art captures people’s attention and words declare truth and provide clarity. It was interesting to consider how much influence both print and digital magazines hold. With great power comes great responsibilities right?

Along with working on the base magazine and going through the course topics, I also started brainstorming and planning for my exhibition piece! In about two months, I’ll be presenting a mini-magazine as my final project. Photoshoots have been lined up, ideas are flowing and mood boards have been created, I’m super excited to see how I’ll be incorporating what I’ve learned and will learn into this final project.

That’s it for this month! There are so many photoshoots and exciting things coming up so stay connected through our social media pages.

- Faith

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