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Hey! Hope you’re having a lovely day.

As the newest member of the Magazine Production track, here are a few things about me. My name is Faith and I’m currently eighteen years old. I love bubble tea and picnics, and writing letters are my love language. I’m here for the March DTS and am excited for what’s ahead at YWAM London Radiant.

To me, magazine production is an art that embraces all art forms, a storytelling platform that has no limit and doesn’t play by the rules. As an aspiring journalist, being a part of a team who have been producing magazines for the past few years is an incredible opportunity. I hope to assist the CHASM team to the best of my abilities while learning and developing my own mini-magazine throughout the next few months.

A magazine thrives when it is able to build a community, a safe place for creativity and openness. Thank you for letting me be a part of this one!

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